Ignition Switch
Starting the Engine
Turning the Engine Off
i-stop (Some Models)

Vehicle Roll Prevention Function (Automatic transaxle)

Vehicles with the i-stop function are equipped with a vehicle roll prevention function. This function prevents the vehicle from rolling, such as when releasing the brake pedal while on a slope under the following conditions:

  • While engine idling is stopped (prevents the vehicle from rolling back)

  • When the engine restarts after releasing the brake pedal (prevents the vehicle's sudden movement due to vehicle creep), sudden movement of the vehicle is prevented by controlling the brakes.


Do not rely completely on the vehicle roll prevention function.

  • The vehicle roll prevention function is a supplementary function which operates for a maximum of four seconds after releasing the brake pedal and accelerating the vehicle from an engine idling stop condition. Over reliance on the system may result in an unexpected accident if the vehicle were to suddenly accelerate. Before starting to drive the vehicle, always confirm the safety of the surroundings and operate the selector lever, brake pedal, and accelerator pedal appropriately. Note that the vehicle may move suddenly depending on the vehicle's load or if it is towing something.

  • Note that the vehicle may move suddenly after the vehicle roll prevention function is released while the vehicle is under the following conditions:

    • The selector lever is in the N position.

    • If the selector lever is shifted to the N position and the brake pedal is released while the i-stop function is operating, the brake force is gradually released. To accelerate the vehicle, release the brake pedal after the engine restarts and shift the selector lever to a position other than the N position.

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  • When the vehicle is stopped on a steep grade, the vehicle roll prevention function does not operate because engine idling is not stopped.

  • The brake pedal response may change, sound may occur from the brakes, or the brake pedal could vibrate from the operation of the vehicle roll prevention function. However, this does not indicate a malfunction.

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